Making it matter: ASSAR puts its research into use in Namibia

The Namibian Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment chapter of the Third National Communication on Climate Change which has just been produced prominently acknowledges ASSAR for reviewing and providing input to the document.
This provides a great example of Research into Use (RiU) and ASSAR’s Southern African team members are pleased that they have been able to influence work of this kind, making the ASSAR project more visible to government and other stakeholders.
This impact has been achieved largely through collaboration with a local non-governmental organisation – the Desert Research Foundation of Namibian (DRFN). The Southern African team is planning to further strengthen this collaboration by arranging for DRFN to host an ASSAR team member to conduct RiU work in Namibia.
Through this partnership the Southern Africa team aspires – among other things – to influence the development and implementation of projects funded by the Adaptation Fund, as DRFN is the National Implementing Entity for the Adaptation Fund in Namibia.