To ensure that ASSAR’s impact would live on after the project was completed, we prioritised building the capacity of project team members and a variety of external stakeholders in our regional study sites.
Rahinatu Sidiki Alare and Prosper Adiku describe their efforts to enhance the capacity of local stakeholders to promote agriculture and food security in semi-arid Ghana.
The changing climate in northwest Ghana puts farming livelihoods and food security at risk. Now a project with multiple strands - from youth engagement, to mobile phone apps, to community outreach centres - is empowering farmers with ...
Greeshma Hedge reflects on her experience exploring the role of knowledge brokers for adaptation in India, as part of her small opportunities grant from ASSAR.
This beautifully illustrated story of change written by ASSAR's WOTR team members described how communities in the Sangamner Block of Ahmednagar District, in Maharashtra, India, have realised their potential to manage the water issue
How a two-day capacity building workshop equipped women leaders in semi-arid Ghana with valuable skills for financial record keeping and access to credit.
As part of their capacity building activities in Ghana, ASSAR organised a series of workshops to strengthen women's advocacy skills to challenge the environmental issues that affect them in their communities.
ASSAR Ghana, in partnership with local and national institutions, has launched Climate Advisory Resource Centres in Nandom and Lawra districts for the training of farmers and extension officers on climate change adaptation ...
ASSAR took advantage of Ghana's strong uptake of smartphones by developing a mobile application that supports information transfer and knowledge sharing with local stakeholders.
Maitreyi Koduganti from the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) gives an account of a game that she developed, with the support of an ASSAR Small Opportunities Grant, to help people gain better insight into the complexities...
When the ASSAR Mali team discovered the need for new capacities in Koutiala to enable better use of the scarce soil and water resources, they organised a three-day cross-border exchange visit for 11 Koutiala stakeholders to neighbouring...
In July 2018, as part of a Small Opportunities Grant awarded by ASSAR, Dr Soundarya Iyer visited the University of East Anglia (UEA) at Norwich for two weeks to work with Dr Nitya Rao.
Being a hydrometeorologist, I was always inclined towards the technical side of research, but my work with ASSAR (and WOTR) has taught me to connect non-technical aspects (mapping of vulnerability, frameworks of adaptation, policy planni
Bhavana Rao attended ASSAR Botswana's national Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) training workshop in August, as a recipient of an ASSAR Small Opportunities Grant. Here she reports back on her cross-learning experience.
Bernadette Shalumbu looks at how experiential learning can help with a range of different hierarchies in workshops where positions of people sometimes need to be equal.
The ASSAR Ghana team recently organised a two-day workshop, with the support of a START Scenario Based Capacity Building (SBCB) grant, to strengthen irrigation management practices for dry-season farming in Upper West Region's Nandom ...
The ASSAR Small Opportunities Grant enabled Udita Sanga to gain insights into questions around food and security in Southern Mail and whether these insights would lead to real impacts.
A workshop on ‘Experiential Learning & Dialogue in an ASSAR context’ was held at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), Bangalore from the 10th to the 12th of May.
In January, a group of ASSAR’s research-into-use (RiU) coordinators and regional stakeholders spent a few days at the University of Cape Town to attend a three-day experiential learning workshop.
Hosted by Margot Steenbergen from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, the webinar explored experiential learning methodologies and approaches that support adaptation processes.