Two documentaries look at the impact of drought in India

India has been consistently facing droughts over a long period of time, impacting the lives and livelihoods of millions. In 2016, as part of ASSAR, researchers from the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), visited Gulbarga Region in Karnataka and Latur Region in Maharashtra to talk to development officers and farmers about the devastating impacts of the recurrent drought.
The impact of drought in Gulbarga Region, Karnataka, India
India has been consistently facing droughts over a long period of time, impacting the lives and livelihoods of millions. In recent times, one of the worst-affected areas is Gulbarga Region in the Indian state of Karnataka, which grapples not only with serious water scarcity, as a result of the drought, but also with high levels of poverty. In 2016, as part of ASSAR, researchers from the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), visited Gulbarga Region to talk to development officers and farmers about the devastating impacts of the recurrent drought and explore what measures are being implemented to help the community adapt better to the severe conditions and, ultimately, reduce their vulnerability.
The impact of drought in Latur Region, Maharashtra, India
India has been consistently facing droughts over a long period of time, impacting the lives and livelihoods of millions. One of the many affected areas is Latur Region in the Indian state of Maharashtra. This region is grappling with a severe shortage of water, not only because of the drought, but also as a result of serious public policy failures across water management and vulnerability reduction programmes. There is reasonable evidence pointing towards maladministration in the region regarding the management of existing water sources, the building and location of dams, implementation of irrigation projects and regulation of water usage. In 2016, as part of ASSAR, researchers from the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), visited Latur Region to talk to development officers and farmers about the devastating impacts of drought and water scarcity in the community, and what can be done to improve the dire situation. In addition, researchers from IIHS discussed the reasons for persistent drought with scientists.